SciFi Diner Podcast

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SciFi Diner and Tuning Into SciFi TV Podcast Viewing Challenge


SciFi Diner and Tuning Into SciFi TV Podcast Viewing Challenge


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Christmas is just around the bend and that means a few things: keep Dayton Ward away from the Egg Nog and most of our genre shows are taking a break.  So because Kevin Bachelder and I do not have enough to do this holiday

season, we are throwing down the the gauntlet and challenging each other to watch shows we have not had the time to watch or just have not made the time to do so.  We are calling this cross-podcast endeavor “The Viewing Challenge” for the lack of a better title. If you can think of something a bit more snazzy, please let us know.

For this first round we have chosen the shows, but in the future our plan is to involve you, the listeners, to help us choose the shows (I’ll list a few of the shows I have not watched, but want to watch below).  Kevin picked Dark Angel, James Cameroon’s only foray into television and starring Jessica Alba, as his first show, and I picked Charlie Jade, a choice I made from Kevin’s recommendation and from watching the first five minutes of it.

We invite you to journey with use as we watch these shows.  If you have never seen these shows, we would love to have you watch them with us, sharing with us your discoveries and thoughts.  If you have seen them, hold the spoilers please! You will be our go to people when we have questions and can point out things we missed.

For more information on Tuning into SciFi TV, please visit their website. For more information on the SciFi Diner Podcast, well, you are here!



PS. Here are some of the other shows I have not watched but want to watch.

  1. Buffy
  2. Angel
  3. Voyager
  4. Deep Space Nine
  5. Andromeda
  6. Enterprise
  7. Legend of the Seeker
  8. Supernatural
  9. Big Bang Theory

Double PS to You.

This is from Kevin: If folks want to learn more about Charlie Jade I suggest this excellent audio introduction which has only very minor spoilers…

You can watch Charlie Jade here.  While, as you’ll hear Kevin say, streaming online is not the best experience, it will give you an idea as to what the show is about since it is not available in the USA.



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  1. Kevin Bachelder December 6, 2010

    Really looking forward to doing this with Scott. 🙂

    If folks want to learn more about Charlie Jade I suggest this excellent audio introduction which has only very minor spoilers…

  2. Scott December 6, 2010 — Post Author

    Oh yeah that is a good introduction. I should have included that in my show notes. Thanks for mentioning it. I will post it in. I cannot wait tobegin Charlie Jade!

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