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SciFi Rewind Episode 8 – The Animatrix: The Untold Stories of the Matrix

SciFi Rewind Episode 8

The Animatrix: The Untold Stories of the Matrix

Tuning Into SciFi TVnull

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On this SciFi Rewind, Scott, Miles, and Kevin rewatch The Animatrix and do a pretty thorough discussion on it. While many consider this the red-headed step-child of The Matrix Trilogy, it provides essential understanding into the history and aspects of the Matrix world. Be sure to watch Matrix: Revolutions with us and send in your thoughts by mid-July. If you want to share your SciFi Rewind with us and have us talk about it on the show or if you want to comment on our rewinds, please e-mail us at (you can attach an mp3 audio file if you want) or call us at 18885084343.

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1 Comment

  1. Kurt Schramer June 30, 2011

    Hey Guys I just found your show and think it rox!
    I noticed you guys had trouble groking the animatrix episode “Matriculated.” I had a similar experience when I asked my friends about what they thought and they all found it totally dumb or silly. For me it was the easily my favorite episode! Not only the concept of enlightening a machine intelligence but how they visualized that process itself.

    For me it was very clear that the humans were attempting to teach the machine about itself by first showing it (via self-reflective visualized metaphors) that it can learn about its own self nature (identity). Then by giving the concept of moral hindrance a black goo visual metaphor, they could then extract it from the machine thereby enlightening the machine’s consciousness and giving it a sense of compassion.

    Love the show!

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