SciFi Diner Podcast

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SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 165b – Fringe: Of Endings and New Beginnings at Farpoint 2013

March 19th

Raul Ybarra, Jim Arrowood, and Kieth R.A. DeCandido join the SciFi Diner to discuss what classifies something as Science Fiction.  Where is the line between Science Fiction and Fantasy? Can we come up with a common definition of what constitutes this? Tune into find out. Click the Speakpipe widget in the sidebar or dial 18885084343 and share your thoughts on the matter.

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 165b

Fringe: Of Endings and New Beginnings at Farpoint 2013




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A 2012 Parsec Finalist

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Tonight’s DinersScott & Miles

Welcome to the Diner.

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Fringe: Of Endings and New Beginnings at Farpoint 2013

Fringe is a recent memory for many of us who loved the show.  This year at the Farpoint 2013 Con, Miles, Scott, and Neil, along with David Moulton from the Lancast Podcast, moderated a panel when we discuss how this J.J. Abrams’ show ended, what we thought about the ending, things we wish we would have seen, speculations, and more.  In this episode of the Diner, we invite you to join us in the discussion and see how it all wend down.



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